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ABYC Standards 101: For The Boat Owner

By Margaret Bonds Podlich When you hire a marine surveyor in the U.S., they’ll check all the systems and look closely at different parts of the boat, both in the water and out. The resulting written survey report will include specific concerns, cite the correlating ABYC Standard, and make recommendations for action.   What are… Continue reading ABYC Standards 101: For The Boat Owner

Wet Your Whistle with a Whistle Stop Tour of the Croatian Coast

If you have been thinking about cruising in Croatia, this snippet should push you over  the edge and booking that trip!   In 2023, our friends Bruce and Nadine Tedder bought a 2006 42’ Custom Lobster Boat, built in Trieste, Italy. They took the boat to Croatia, using the time to get to know the… Continue reading Wet Your Whistle with a Whistle Stop Tour of the Croatian Coast

Plan for the times when all may not be well in Paradise

As I sit here anchored off Lee Stocking Island in the Bahamas, I think back on the many experiences we have had since we sailed away from Youngstown, New York at the west end of Lake Ontario in September of 2016.  Cruising is a mixture of sheer heaven and sometimes sheer hell.  I’m sure you’ve… Continue reading Plan for the times when all may not be well in Paradise

Darrel & Cyndi’s Great Adventure

Our Great Adventure.  We have always had a dream of sailing and cruising the world.  In 2021, we decided to sell our house and buy our live aboard sailboat.  We found Anne and Jon Hutchings of YaZu Yachting in Deltaville. Anne listened to our dreams, desires and needs. She encouraged us and was patient in helping us… Continue reading Darrel & Cyndi’s Great Adventure

17 Years of Friendship

by Kristen Miller   We met Anne and Jon Hutchings in the fall of 2005 when we bought our first cruising sailboat, Whisper, a 1977 27’ Albin Vega. Our decades long friendship took root during that fall of 2005 when, as very green and young sailors we cast off the dock lines to sail Whisper… Continue reading 17 Years of Friendship

A Tale of Expecting The Unexpected

Written by Rob Carter   In the early 1990’s, I bought an old Columbia 24 sailboat with an Atomic 4 gasoline engine. I kept the boat at a private pier on Town Creek off the Corrotoman River and sailed mostly in the Rappahannock River with my wife Terry and our Golden Retriever Ginger.   After… Continue reading A Tale of Expecting The Unexpected

Changing Tides: From Sail to Power

Written by Sue Hichens (Former Owner of Annapolis Yacht Sales)     When we returned to Annapolis in 2019 after our last 6 month trip to the Bahamas, we decided to sell our much-loved Beneteau 423 as we weren’t sure we would be doing another long trip; we had the Harbor 20 to sail, and… Continue reading Changing Tides: From Sail to Power

Navigating A Trip To The BVI in 2021​

Navigating A Trip To The BVI in 2021 Guest Post By Gino & Lisa Biondi We went to the BVI for 2 weeks in May.   The experience was incredible, but it also came with its challenges due to COVID. Getting all the paperwork submitted to get to Tortola was the hardest part.  I’ll explain… Continue reading Navigating A Trip To The BVI in 2021​