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YaZu Yachting’s September Recap

Another month is in the books, here at YaZu!

3 offers, 5 surveys conducted, 5 NEW listings, and 10 CLOSINGS, including a 2016 Beneteau Oceanis 48, a 2005 Fiesta Vee 360, a 2012 Corsair Marine Trimaran, a 1990 Beneteau Moorings 38, a 1988 Privilege Catamaran, and a 1997 Catalina 42 MKII! 

A big congrats to Bob Hoefer on his first sale! (and definitely not his last!) The Rinker was purchased “unseen” and shipped to Canada thanks to Bob’s thorough Video Walkthrough and “Sea Trial”. Way to go, Bob!

Be sure to check out our latest listings! 

2006 Seahorse 52 “Pokie Hokie”

1999 Island Packet 380 “Island Time”

1982 Tayana 37 “Athena”

2009 Hunter 31 “Salty”

Anne & Jonathan had the opportunity to fly out to South Africa to visit family. They enjoyed catching up and sharing memories with loved ones, as they walked the beaches with their sisters and niece.

Anne & Jonathan arrived back in the states just before the First Day of Fall. We’ve been blessed with some beautiful Fall weather the last few days, here in Deltaville, and it has us dreaming of beautiful Fall Foliage along the shorelines of the River & Bay! Do you have some favorite Fall Foliage Photos from your past cruising adventures? We’d love to see them! Send them to

As we are finishing up the month at YaZu, we are preparing to attend the Annapolis Boat Shows. We look forward to seeing many new and familiar faces while we are there. Send us a note or give us a call to meet up, and if there are any boats in the area you’d like to see, we can help. 


Many of the brokers will be tied up at the show, so we’d be happy to help you get aboard any listings you’ve been eyeing!


Be sure to check out our YaZu Boat Show Guide for practical tips and helpful guidance to getting the most out of your Boat Show Experience!

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