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YaZu at the Annapolis Boat Shows

The Yazu Crew Are no strangers to

The Annapolis Boat Shows

Once we made our way to the United States in October of 2004, we found employment as boat cleaners at the Annapolis Boat Shows where we met the owners of Annapolis Yacht Sales who then employed us to begin a branch in the boating town of Deltaville, Virginia which had us attending the shows each year exhibiting Beneteaus, Sabre Yachts, and more! 


In July 2020, we branched out on our own and opened the doors of YaZu Yachting, and this year we will be attending the show as guests, and we hope to see you guys there.


With all of our past experience from these shows, we have put together a helpful guide to get the most out of your boat show experience! You can review it by clicking the button below.

Have you been eyeing some brokerage listings in the Annapolis area? The listing brokers may be working the boat shows and unable to show a listing. So give us a call and we will work to get you aboard while we are at the shows. Just send us a message.