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Wet Your Whistle with a Whistle Stop Tour of the Croatian Coast

If you have been thinking about cruising in Croatia, this snippet should push you over  the edge and booking that trip!   In 2023, our friends Bruce and Nadine Tedder bought a 2006 42’ Custom Lobster Boat, built in Trieste, Italy. They took the boat to Croatia, using the time to get to know the… Continue reading Wet Your Whistle with a Whistle Stop Tour of the Croatian Coast

Sailing in Desolation Sound

Desolation Sound is small section of a very large area of fjords, islands and rivers in the North West of British Columbia, off the north coast of Vancouver Island. We were fortunate to be able to explore a section of Desolation Sound on ‘Speedwell’ (see June Log), with Jon’s cousin Garth & his wife, Fiona.… Continue reading Sailing in Desolation Sound

Darrel & Cyndi’s Great Adventure

Our Great Adventure.  We have always had a dream of sailing and cruising the world.  In 2021, we decided to sell our house and buy our live aboard sailboat.  We found Anne and Jon Hutchings of YaZu Yachting in Deltaville. Anne listened to our dreams, desires and needs. She encouraged us and was patient in helping us… Continue reading Darrel & Cyndi’s Great Adventure

Jonathan & Anne’s Sailing Adventure in British Columbia

Anne and Jon were recently in British Columbia sailing with Jon’s cousin and his wife in Desolation Sound, north east of Vancouver Island.  They spent their adventure aboard a boat that Jon’s uncle, John Goodwin, built in the 1970’s.  The cold-molded wooden boat is a 48’ Arthur Robb designed ketch named  ‘Speedwell’ that was launched… Continue reading Jonathan & Anne’s Sailing Adventure in British Columbia

The Traveling Yacht Brokers: Ibiza

As many of you know from following along on our adventures, we recently made a trip to Ibiza, Spain to inspect & survey a 2015 Oyster 575 named “African Starling”.     The Sailing Yacht caught our buyer’s eye with its outstanding sailing capabilities, luxurious living space, and stunning aesthetics. Let’s just say she made… Continue reading The Traveling Yacht Brokers: Ibiza

Navigating A Trip To The BVI in 2021​

Navigating A Trip To The BVI in 2021 Guest Post By Gino & Lisa Biondi We went to the BVI for 2 weeks in May.   The experience was incredible, but it also came with its challenges due to COVID. Getting all the paperwork submitted to get to Tortola was the hardest part.  I’ll explain… Continue reading Navigating A Trip To The BVI in 2021​