We’re pleased to announce that YaZu Yachting is now licensed and bonded in Florida! Our Managing Broker, based in Madeira Beach, is David Hibberd. Jon and Bob are now licensed Florida brokers.
Dave is South African born and raised. He completed a Bachelor of Business Science at the University of Natal (Durban). He worked in property management and development for many years when he first moved to the US. From 2016 to 2018 Dave, his wife Gudrun and their two children left land life for two and a half years and circumnavigated on their Lagoon 400.
After the family completed their circumnavigation in 2018, Dave says, “I thought it was time to share my love and knowledge of sailing and sail boats with others with a similar passion….. I wasn’t ready to end my boating lifestyle just yet. I obtained my USCG Captain’s license, OUPV and 100T Masters upgrade, with sail endorsement and started to do deliveries as well as teach people to sail and understand the systems on their own boats.” He has held his Florida Broker’s license for several years.
Dave’s boating resume is impressive, to say the least. He worked as a sailmaker for North Sails, built Optimists and Dabchicks, worked as a sales-person in a yachting store and as a rigger. On the water, he raced Fireballs, Optimists, Dabchicks, Sprogs and Lasers and coached successful Junior Sailing Teams. He represented South Africa on the Laser International Laser Sailing Circuit from 1994 – 1996 and represented South Africa in the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games in the Laser class.
Dave currently spends his time delivering yachts such as Azimut, Aquila, Beneteau, Excess and Lagoon. He also handles New Boat Handovers and VIP Owner Orientations for a major Florida boat dealership. We are thrilled to have someone with Dave’s level of experience as part of our team!
Welcome Aboard Dave!