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YaZu Yachting’s July Recap

Our Birthday Month has been a busy month!

There has been much to celebrate here at YaZu during July.

We celebrated our first Anniversary as YaZu Yachting
We added a new team member to the YaZu Crew.  Bob Hoefer joined the sales team, with the specific task of growing the powerboat side of the business.

YaZu Yachting was a sponsor of the Annual Deltaville Fun Run & 5K on July 3 and Anne & Jon participated in the event, with Anne winning her age group (don’t ask) and Jon coming in as one of the fastest walkers.

We held our First Anniversary Open House on the same day, welcoming customers and friends to our office to celebrate with Mimosas and Bloody Marys!

…. And that was just the first week!

The July buzz continued with Rachel and Anne celebrating birthdays mid-month and Jon and Anne taking a much-needed break in the Finger Lakes region of New York State.

A BIG YaZuuuuuu Thank You, to all of you who came out to support our ‘Christmas In July’ Fundraiser for the Middlesex Christmas Friends Organization on Sunday 25th.

Another BIG YaZuuuuuu Thank You,  to Billy & Rachel Dickerson who made ‘Christmas in July’ happen.  Billy smoked pork butts for 3 days and he and Rachel pulled and packed 120 lbs of pork into 1lb containers to sell. YaZu donated the pork and the Dickersons turned it into the most delicious BBQ  this side of …. not going to go there…. the Best BBQ ever!  It was a wonderful effort & a fun event, raising $1762 for Christmas Friends. Thanks to all of those who said ‘keep the change’. 
* We still have a little in the freezer. Contact Rachel at 804-776-5135 to place an order.* 

It was not all play! It’s been an extremely busy month with 9 Surveys, 6 Closings & 4 new listings.  We currently have 28 listings, ranging in price from $65,000 to $489,000, and 9 of those boats are currently under contract. In order to list them you have to show them, so guess what we’ve been doing between the rest of the fun? LOTS of showings! It’s HOT showing boats in July, but we’re out there with our hardy clients, giving them a glimpse of the dream. 

We look forward to another noteworthy month in August!

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