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Three Simple Elements to Selling your Boat: Price, Condition, and Location

Thinking about selling your boat?


There are three simple elements that need to be in balance to sell a boat: Price, Condition, and Location.


Price is the most important but is obviously keenly linked to the boat’s overall condition. You want to ensure that your asking price lines up with your boat’s condition and other comparable boats on the market. A boat that is considered “overpriced” doesn’t receive as much attention as a boat that is in alignment with the market. 


At YaZu, we provide you with a breakdown of recent ”comps”, i.e. details of boats similar to yours that have sold recently and advice about pricing.


Condition is extremely important. There are so many aspects to this, but simply put, a clean, well maintained, vessel will maintain its value. Upgrades on older vessels will help sell the boat and help to ‘hold’ the price, but it is important not to expect the asking price to pay for your upgrades.


Location of course is another big factor in the sale of your boat. Consider moving your boat to a known boating center/town/location, with marinas and  haulout facilities; and close to your broker to ensure they can represent you and the boat well and show it at a moment’s notice.

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